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We are.......

The Founders...

Connie Jean Conklin
SEASCAT's founder's personal page on Care2. Find out about Connie Jean Conklin, the founder of SEASCAT, read her shares(blog) and sign petitions.

The idea for SEASCAT was inspired by "Andy" who has (DID) a dissociative identity disorder and is the other co-founder. He wants his story told, in hopes that it will help others get the treatment they need and deserve. About 12 years ago, he asked me to write his biography. His life was such that a complete biography was not and may never be possible. But, I did write a book about our time together, trying to find help for him. The very struggle to just keep a roof over our heads moved us create this non-profit. When basic needs of food and shelter are lacking, you can't begin to think about working through the difficulty of therapy. ~Connie

The Board...

Steve Whitehorn, board chair
Steve is a graduate student at Western Carolina University where his major is Social Work. He and his wife, Karrie, are among the founders of the (organic) Community Garden in Sylva, NC. They have a daughter named Dale.

Cindy Picon
Cynthia Picon is a survivor and an inspiration. She is an extremely active volunteer with several nonprofits including her church and the Community Table (soup kitchen), an advocate for many and also has a plot at the Community Garden.

Connie Jean Conklin

The Volunteer Staff...

Lili (graphics/website)
[insert bio here]

[insert bio here]

[insert bio here]

Carolyn H. (webmaster/designer)
...Has lived with and loved at least one multiple, sometimes more than one at a time, for the vast majority of her life. Carolyn is a proud parent as well as a direct-care worker at a residential treatment center in upstate New York. She loves coffee, written language, natural bodies of water, and road trips. She has a B.A. in Liberal Arts from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. Carolyn is presently working on a basic design for this website you're looking at.

Rhea H. (website photography model)
"My name is Rhea, and I'm three. I have a lot of daddies, but they all look like one daddy. Even some are ladies, but they still look like mans. Sometimes the daddies fight in my daddy's heart, and it makes me and my daddies sad, so I'm glad I am just only one little girl. I love my daddy. And my mom. I like horses, and sometimes, I pretend that I am a pegasus. A pink one. I like pink. I also like candy, and waterfalls, and all sorts of adventures."